Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Recently I have become more self-conscious. Too bad my self-consciousness came too late. Or else I may have other outcomes. Anyway, I guess it's not too late to start now. And I MUST MUST force myself to comply with those rules. I used to do it frequently but after sometime I slack and then completely forgotten about it. So now I must pick it up again and it's really tiring. Both physically and mentally.

I realised that now I have put in some rules, I am closer in accomplishing my goals and some of them were even realised! The feelings gotten were amazing! So I am going to work hard some more to make my other plans come true!

I will elaborate on this soon once 80% of my plans were fulfilled! But for now, I will work hard and most importantly, POSITIVE THINKING!!

AJA AJA Fighting~~~!

Oh I hope my pay come soon. 

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